Tree of Life '84

β€œAnd the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.” Revelation 22:2 


Nicaragua is the poorest of the Central American countries and has a very young population. Approximately 70% of the nation is under the age of 30. Of that number, 38.7% are 14 years old or younger, and 31.3% are ages 15-29.

Nicaragua also has the highest rate of teen pregnancies in Central America. According to government figures, an astounding 40-45% of registered pregnancies are for young women 13-19 years old. Teen births average 127,000 per year.

A survey conducted from 2010-2011 revealed that 205 out of 547 girls became pregnant after reporting that they had been raped or had been victims of incest. The majority of those who became pregnant were 12-15 years old.

The mission and vision of Tree of Life '84 is to respond to these grievous social issues with a comprehensive initiative for bettering the lives of young mothers and their babies.